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Di00054 heart of wood wide web illustration

Di00054 heart of wood wide web illustration

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The Wood Wide Web Trees Heart

Version of my illustration of trees in a circle with roots making a heart instead of a center. Some believe that trees are not only able to communicate through their roots but also connect, think and feel like a giant natural, ancient Earth creature. Where every root is a part of the planets cognition... and caring. 

Keywords: Treeheart, trees, tree, forestbathing, roots, wood wide web, environment, climate change, communication, feelings, heart, plants psychology, philosophy, reality, downloadillustration


Download - Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt - White clean background. Jpg. file.

White clean background. Jpg. file

No changes of images thanks!

License for use:

1- Free version for non-commercial  presentation use

is a light jpg. file only for non-commercial presentation use

If you use this,  please consider giving a donation of your choice to help me continue my work: Link to Paypal:

 2- Version: The 2000 px. width  jpg. file for pro-presentations

A max. quality jpg file, with permission for digital presentation pro use

3- Version 5000 px. width max. quality jpg print file

A large jpg max. version with permission for web, presentation and editorial print use, articles, books, magazines. 

Other use

Please contact me for other uses here