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Di00299 download the Social media justice challenge illustration

Di00299 download the Social media justice challenge illustration

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How to rule on social media?

Lady justice in a digital reality

Social media is challenged from many sides. Trolls, fake news, manipulation of profiles, bulling, false profiles and much more.  Many of the social media companies are challenged. Not really knowing how to approach this new role as rule maker and making sure the rules are handled.

Digital data is easily distributed,shared and copied. It is one of the main questions how to understand, view and make limits to how data and information flow. 

Keywords: social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin sharing, computing, , rules, bits, firewall, surveillance,  landscapes of understanding, reality, communication, media  technology, computers, internet, downloadillustration

Download - Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt - White clean background. Jpg. file.

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is a light 1200px. wide jpg. file only for non-commercial presentation use

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 2- Version: A 2000 px. width  jpg. file for pro-presentations

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3- A Version 5000 px. width jpg print file for editorial use

A large jpg with permission for web, presentation and editorial print use, articles, books, magazines. 

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