Will our food make us run out over a cliff
Our appetite for meat is one of the most debated global challenges. To consume an ever increasing amount of beef and other meat we need larger and larger areas to grow food for the production of it.
Today more than 95% of all animals ( in total weight) on Earth are production animals born and living short lives mostly in farming factories to feed us humans.
And more and more land on a global scale is turned into animal fodder production areas to feed our growing appetite for meat.
Areas that are mostly located in areas that was wild nature just a few years back, as all other areas have all-ready been taken.
Experts are warning that we are about to run out of both land, food and wild animals... We might in a sense be seen as running out over the edge of what keeps us alive, lead by our appetite for meat.
Keywords: food, foodproduction, sustainability, meat, cow, pig, chicken, vegetarian, plant based diet, biodiversity, climate change, climatechange, eating, diet, vegan
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